In this day and age, it is in our best interest to maintain healthy green living habits throughout our daily lives. This includes at home, out in public, and especially in the workplace. Workplaces can be some of the most wasteful environments if we let our habits get out of hand. The office buildings on the Dunham Ridge complex are outfitted to be eco-friendly in recognition of the need to conserve resources and the hope that other offices will follow this example. Being environmentally friendly is also a cost-effective way to do business.
Go Digital: It’s easy to have a green office, especially in commercial space at Dunham Ridge. One of the biggest wasters in office spaces is the documentation and files. Traditionally, everything has been recorded in print. Today, there are many ways to manage documents and files electronically and spare the need to have them in print form. This saves greatly on paper. Presentations, statements, and more can also be distributed digitally in place of their hard-copy counterparts.
Recycle: In addition to saving resources in your commercial space by cutting back on the amount of physical copies of documents produced, it’s wise to consider the resources you are using. For example, locally sourced resources don’t have a large carbon footprint from delivery travel. Also, opting for recycled products such as papers, coffee cups and sleeves, and water cups can be very helpful to the environment regardless of how big your office is. It’s all about doing your part. You could also look into recycled ink cartridges and second-hand supplies and machines.
Power Off Electronics: One commonly overlooked energy waster in the office is standby mode on electronics. Electricity is still used by powered-on electronics even when they are in “standby” mode. At lunch, at night, and at any other time you are going to be away from your electronics, powering them completely down can be a big energy saver.
Natural Lighting: There are also less obvious ways to achieve a healthy green office space. Natural lighting provides a natural mood booster while saving some of the need for electric lights. Similarly, indoor plants in the office can improve mood while contributing environmental benefits through the release of oxygen.
Whatever steps you take, the most important thing is to stick with it. If we all work together, we can make this planet healthier. An easy way to be more eco-friendly is by leasing an office space in a green office complex. Dunham Ridge is committed to doing our part to make this planet healthier. Give us a call at 978-720-4015 to find out more.